A Mission For Stray Dogs


Meet my new friend, Christian Nhel Fedelson, whom I met through Facebook, you can reach him out through this link: https://www.facebook.com/christiannhel.fedelson.3

I was touched by his genuine love and care for stray dogs when I saw his posts on Facebook and when I go through his account I saw that he even have a rescued dog and cat which made me more curious and so I eventually ask myself if I can join him with his mission and so I send him a personal message through FB Messenger. 

Cara, The Rescued Dog and Storm, the Rescued Cat

I invited him first to be one of my contributors or an author for my pet blog, but unfortunately, he refused to say that he is not into reading and writing content, I understand him and respected his decision. I think asking him to be one of my contributors might be a good platform to share the mission he started and it'll also help him find potential donors which will help him fund the stray dogs.  

Knowing that he declined my invitation, I ask him for his consent if I can share his FB post in my blog and I was happy for giving me his approval for the favor I asked for. I am happy to say that I am now on the mission with my friend Christian and with all the donors and members who have a humble heart to share the love and care for stray dogs. 

While we go deeper into our conversation, I asked him, 

"When did you start this mission for stray dogs?", 

"What's the reason why you started a mission for stray dogs?"

He replied, 

"Actually last year it was around November. But I don't really post. I was using my own money but I didn't have a job so I rarely did."

"I never had a dog before. I just have cats. That time I have 7 cats. Then I realized that it's so unfair if I just focus on my cats and neglect the animals starving outside so I decided to feed them ."

He is currently raising a fund for the next mission on feeding stray dogs. If you wish to extend your love to the ones who needed it most you can send him a personal message through the Facebook link I provided above or you may send your help through here: Paypal.me/christianfedelson

For GCash/Paymaya donors, you can send your help through bank transfer to his account.
Christian Nhel Fedelson
980 10 017279

-Credits to the owner of the pictures


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