The 1st Walk in Boulevard

Bambit @ 6 months old with his fur Aunt

I felt the happiness and excitement of walking my dog in the park for the very first time, and I guess my fur baby feels the same way but a bit nervous. This was his second day with us here in our place and it made me feel that I have a great deal of duty coming that I am entitled to do. My head just can't stop thinking about how would I be able to raise him, questions of "what", "when", "how", "if" are sinking in my mind and I said to myself,  "There is no need for you to worry for tomorrow or for the future, what matters is today." I have been helping, accompanying, and taking care of my family members for a long time and I'm good at that job, task, you name it, so for what reason would I be stressed if it's just a dog that I will be dealing with. 



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