Separation Anxiety

His first three (3) months with us was a bit difficult especially at home when am about to leave him even just for a second or minute Bambit, always wants to run after me, whining and crying, and I feel guilty hearing that sound and seeing him wants to be freed in his pen and leash.

How he overcomes his minor separation anxiety? I was kind of making an observation over my experimental techniques on him, I didn't do such special commands, I think he was used to his daily routine like going for a walk early in the morning and late afternoon doing his thing and running around, leaving him inside his pen for hours while I'm doing my things and going town, napping and resting above the table, stuff like that. 

I trained him not to stay with me for a long time in a day so it'll not be hard for both of us whenever I'm not around. But he knows when I'm going somewhere or if I'm leaving the house even though he doesn't see me, his instinct and sense of smell are superb it's pretty impressive and surprising.



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