About Us

Making a Blog is one of my dreams when I step into tertiary education, yet it did not happen since I focused on my academics. It's been three (3) years since I graduated from college and I was preoccupied with personal and family matters and I faced many obstacles, ups and downs in life which gives me frustration that leads me to depression and made me who I am now. Now that I'm free from other's interests and have a companion, a baby, and a pet that is my dog, Bambit, I can finally start up with my new life and share our story.

There was a day when I was compiling my fur Baby's Photos on my laptop, I noticed that he has a ton of pictures stored in his folder, so I realized why not make a blog where I can keep track of the precious photos, videos and events in our life together and that's why I made this blog. 

I also share in this blog some personal tips and experiences on how to take care of my fur baby's health, how I groom him, and products he uses to maintain his white coat healthy and shiny.  I hope this page would be of help to whoever fur parents and pet lovers who ask for opinion for their concerns. Thank you so much to all the people who look after this page and who support- encouraging me to make new posts and continue this blogging.


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A Mission For Stray Dogs

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